Pregnancy and Acupuncture
Perhaps you’re one of the mothers who is lucky enough to spend your pregnancy happy and worry-free.
For those who feel discomfort, or encounter more specific issues, acupuncture is a great way to relieve and/or treat these imbalances in a natural way; to stimulate energy in the body in order to reestablish harmony and wellness.
All issues and all stages of pregnancy are supported with this gentle medicine.
- Heavy digestion, nausea
- Intestinal difficulties
- All kinds of pain
- Heavy legs
- Enhance immune system
Acupuncture can be used in delivery as a way to help the mother at the end of a pregnancy.
- To turn a baby in breech position (after 34 weeks!)
- To trigger an overdue delivery
- To support more efficient contractions for a shorter duration of labour
- To prevent and treat certain labour problems
- Port-partum